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- /* $Id: dosmesa.c 1.2 1996/12/08 16:13:45 Charlie Exp Charlie $ */
- /*
- * Mesa 3-D graphics library
- * Version: 2.0
- * Copyright (C) 1995-1996 Brian Paul
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*
- * $Log: dosmesa.c $
- * Revision 1.2 1996/12/08 16:13:45 Charlie
- * Added VESA support via Scitechs SVGA kit.
- *
- * Revision 1.1 1996/12/08 16:09:52 Charlie
- * Initial revision
- *
- */
- /*
- * DOS VGA/VESA/MGL/Mesa interface.
- *
- */
- /*
- *
- * TODO: (cw)
- * Improve the colour matcher for rgb non vesa modes, its pretty bad and incorrect
- * Keyboard interrupt.
- * Comments and tidy up.
- * Add support for VESA without SVGAKIT.
- * DirectX Support.
- * Better GLIDE Support.
- * Clear up the #ifdef madness.
- */
- #ifdef DOSVGA
- #if defined(DOSVGA) && !defined(GLIDE) && !defined(DJGPP) && !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(MGL)
- /* Should help cut down on the crazy #if`s */
- #define MODE13 1
- #else
- #undef MODE13
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #ifdef DJGPP
- #include <go32.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef MGL
- #include <mgraph.h>
- #endif
- #include "GL/DOSmesa.h"
- #include "context.h"
- #include "matrix.h"
- #include "types.h"
- #ifdef GLIDE
- static void glideshutdown( void );
- #include "vb.h"
- #include "glide.h"
- /* the glide modes available, set one */
- #define GLIDE_MODE GR_RESOLUTION_800x600
- //#define GLIDE_MODE GR_RESOLUTION_640x480
- static GrVertex gr_vtx,gr_vtx1,gr_vtx2;
- #endif
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- /* You get this file from Scitechs VESA development kit */
- #include "svga.h"
- /*
- Set these to the VESA mode you require, the first is for 256 colour modes,
- the other is High colour modes, they must both be the same XRes and YRes.
- */
- #define VESA_256COLOUR_MODE 0x11c
- #define VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE 0x11f
- #endif
- struct DOSmesa_context {
- GLcontext *gl_ctx; /* the core Mesa context */
- GLvisual *gl_vis; /* describes the color buffer */
- GLframebuffer *gl_buffer; /* the ancillary buffers */
- GLuint index; /* current color index */
- GLint red, green, blue; /* current rgb color */
- GLint width, height; /* size of color buffer */
- GLint depth; /* bits per pixel (8,16,24 or 32) */
- };
- static DOSMesaContext DOSMesa = NULL; /* the current context */
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_devCtx *DC=NULL;
- int useLinear = TRUE;
- SV_modeInfo *mi=NULL;
- unsigned long modeNumber = 0;
- int activePage = 0;
- int visualPage = 1;
- #endif
- #if defined(MODE13)
- /* DOSVGA With no UniVBE support */
- unsigned char *video_buffer = (unsigned char *)0xa0000;
- #define VID_BUF(x,y) *(video_buffer+x+(y*320))
- #if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__) && defined(__DOS__)
- void setupcopy(void);
- void copyscr(void);
- /* Watcom C specfic, screen copy and clear */
- #pragma aux setupcopy = \
- ".386P"\
- "push ebp" \
- "mov esi,video_buffer" \
- "mov edi,0xa0000" \
- "mov ecx,2000" \
- "xor ebp,ebp";
- #pragma aux copyscr = \
- ".386P" \
- "lop1: mov eax,[esi]"\
- "mov ebx,[esi+4]"\
- "mov edx,[esi+8]"\
- "mov [edi],eax"\
- "mov eax,[esi+12]"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+4],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+8],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+12],ebp"\
- "mov [edi+4],ebx"\
- "mov [edi+8],edx"\
- "mov [edi+12],eax"\
- "mov eax,[esi+16]"\
- "mov ebx,[esi+4+16]"\
- "mov edx,[esi+8+16]"\
- "mov [edi+16],eax"\
- "mov eax,[esi+12+16]"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+16],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+4+16],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+8+16],ebp"\
- "mov dword ptr [esi+12+16],ebp"\
- "mov [edi+4+16],ebx"\
- "mov [edi+8+16],edx"\
- "mov [edi+12+16],eax"\
- "add esi,32"\
- "add edi,32"\
- "dec ecx"\
- "jnz lop1"\
- "pop ebp"\
- modify exact [edi esi eax ebx ecx] ;
- #endif // WATCOM
- #endif // MODE13
- /*
- * Convert Mesa window Y coordinate to VGA screen Y coordinate:
- */
- #define FLIP(Y) (DOSMesa->height-(Y)-1)
- unsigned short vga_cindex = 32768 ;
- static points_func choose_points_function( void );
- static line_func choose_line_function( void );
- static triangle_func choose_polygon_function( void );
- static void fast_tri(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv );
- static points_func choose_points_function( void )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- static line_func choose_line_function( void )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- static triangle_func choose_triangle_function( void )
- {
- #if defined(MODE13)
- return NULL;
- #endif
- #if defined(GLIDE)
- return fast_tri;
- #endif
- return NULL;
- }
- #if defined(MODE13)
- void setgfxmode(void);
- void settextmode(void);
- #ifndef DJGPP
- #pragma aux setgfxmode = \
- "mov ax,13h" \
- "int 10h" \
- modify [eax];
- #pragma aux settextmode = \
- "mov ax,3h" \
- "int 10h" \
- modify [eax];
- #else
- void setgfxmode(void)
- {
- union REGS in_regs,out_regs;
- in_regs.x.ax = 0x13;
- int386(0x10,&in_regs,&out_regs);
- }
- void settextmode(void)
- {
- union REGS in_regs,out_regs;
- in_regs.x.ax = 0x3;
- int386(0x10,&in_regs,&out_regs);
- }
- #endif
- int set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
- {
- setgfxmode();
- return 1; /* likelyhood of this failing is very small */
- }
- void restore_video_mode(void)
- {
- settextmode();
- }
- int vga_getcolors(void)
- {
- return vga_cindex;
- }
- int vga_getxdim(void)
- {
- return 320;
- }
- int vga_getydim(void)
- {
- return 200;
- }
- static unsigned short num_rgb_alloc = 1; /* start from 1, zero is black */
- /* an unlikely colour */
- static unsigned char last_r=1,last_g=255,last_b=99;
- extern void set_onecolor(int index,int R,int G,int B);
- static unsigned char rgbtable[64][64][64];
- void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
- {
- /*
- * make this into a translation table
- */
- DOSMesa->red = r;
- DOSMesa->green = g ;
- DOSMesa->blue = b ;
- r/=4; g/=4; b/=4;
- if( (r == last_r) && (g == last_g) && (b == last_b) ) return;
- last_r = r ;
- last_g = g ;
- last_b = b ;
- if(r+g+b == 0 ) {
- DOSMesa->index = 0 ;
- return ;
- }
- if( rgbtable[r][g][b] == 0 ) {
- /* not allocated yet */
- if(num_rgb_alloc<256) {
- DOSMesa->index = num_rgb_alloc;
- set_onecolor(num_rgb_alloc,r,g,b);
- rgbtable[r][g][b] = num_rgb_alloc;
- num_rgb_alloc++;
- return;
- } else {
- /* need to search for a close colour */
- {
- unsigned short pass ;
- for(pass=0;pass<64;pass++) {
- if(r-pass>0) {
- if( rgbtable[r-pass][g][b] !=0 ) {
- rgbtable[r][g][b] = rgbtable[r-pass][g][b];
- DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r-pass][g][b];
- return;
- }
- }
- if(r+pass<64) {
- if( rgbtable[r+pass][g][b] !=0 ) {
- rgbtable[r][g][b] = rgbtable[r+pass][g][b];
- DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r+pass][g][b];
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rgbtable[r][g][b] = rand()%255;
- }
- }
- DOSMesa->index = rgbtable[r][g][b];
- }
- #if defined(DJGPP)
- static int dos_seg;
- #endif
- void vga_clear(void)
- {
- /* Check if we`re using watcom and DOS */
- #if defined(__WATCOMC__) && defined(__386__) && defined(__DOS__)
- setupcopy();
- copyscr();
- #else
- #if !defined(UNIVBE) && defined (DJGPP) && !defined(GLIDE)
- asm ("
- pusha
- pushw %es
- movw _dos_seg, %es
- movl _video_buffer, %esi
- movl $0xa0000, %edi
- movl $64000, %ecx
- rep ; movsb
- popw %es
- popa
- ");
- #endif
- #if defined(MODE13)
- /* copy the RAM buffer to the Video memory */
- memcpy((unsigned char *)0xa0000,video_buffer, vga_getxdim()*vga_getydim() );
- #endif
- #if defined(DJGPP)
- /* clear the RAM buffer */
- memset(video_buffer,0, vga_getxdim()*vga_getydim() );
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef DEBUG
- #define vga_drawpixel(x,y) { VID_BUF(x,y) = DOSMesa->index; }
- #else
- void vga_drawpixel(x,y)
- {
- VID_BUF(x,y) = DOSMesa->index;
- }
- #endif
- int vga_getpixel(int x,int y)
- {
- return 1;
- }
- void vga_flip(void)
- {
- }
- void vga_setcolor(int index)
- {
- /* does something, what i`ve no idea */
- DOSMesa->index = index;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(UNIVBE)
- /* UniVBE VESA support */
- void set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
- {
- if( setup_vesa_mode(x,y,mode) == FALSE ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"VESA: Set mode failed\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /*
- This is problematic as we don`t know what resolution the user program
- wants when we reach here. This is why the 256 colour and HiColour modes
- should be the same resolution, perhaps i`ll make this an environment
- variable
- */
- void check_mi(void)
- {
- if(mi!=0) return;
- if(DC==NULL) {
- DC = SV_init( TRUE );
- }
- if(modeNumber == 0 ) {
- modeNumber = VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE;
- }
- SV_getModeInfo(modeNumber,mi);
- return;
- }
- int setup_vesa_mode(short height,short width,short depth)
- {
- if(DC==NULL) {
- DC = SV_init( TRUE );
- /* how many bits per pixel */
- if( depth == 0)
- modeNumber = VESA_256COLOUR_MODE;
- else
- modeNumber = VESA_HICOLOUR_MODE;
- }
- /* Check if correct VESA Version is available */
- if( !DC || DC->VBEVersion < 0x0102) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Require a VESA VBE version 1.2 or higher\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Check for LFB Supprt */
- if(DC->VBEVersion < 0x0200 ) {
- useLinear = FALSE;
- } else {
- useLinear = TRUE ;
- }
- /* Get desired mode info */
- if(!SV_getModeInfo( modeNumber, mi))
- return FALSE;
- /* Set VESA mode */
- if(!SV_setMode(modeNumber | svMultiBuffer, FALSE, TRUE, mi->NumberOfPages) )
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void restore_video_mode(void)
- {
- SV_restoreMode();
- }
- void vga_clear(void)
- {
- SV_clear(0);
- }
- void vga_flip(void)
- {
- activePage = 1-activePage;
- visualPage = 1-activePage;
- SV_setActivePage(activePage);
- /*
- Change false to true if you`re getting flickering
- even in double buffer mode, ( sets wait for Vertical retrace )
- */
- SV_setVisualPage(visualPage,false);
- }
- int vga_getcolors(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- switch ( mi->BitsPerPixel ) {
- case 8:
- return 256;
- case 15:
- case 16:
- return 32768;
- default:
- return 64000;
- }
- }
- int vga_getxdim(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- return mi->XResolution;
- }
- int vga_getydim(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- return mi->YResolution;
- }
- unsigned long current_color = 255;
- void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
- {
- DOSMesa->red = r;
- DOSMesa->green = g ;
- DOSMesa->blue = b ;
- current_color = SV_rgbColor(r,g,b);
- }
- void vga_setcolor(int index)
- {
- DOSMesa->index = index;
- current_color = index;
- }
- void vga_drawpixel(x,y)
- {
- SV_putPixel(x,y,current_color);
- }
- /* TODO: */
- int vga_getpixel(x,y)
- {
- /* return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
- fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* End of UNIVBE section */
- #endif
- /* Scitechs MegaGraphicsLibrary http://www.scitechsoft.com/ */
- #if defined(MGL)
- /* MGL support */
- struct MI {
- unsigned short BitsPerPixel;
- unsigned long XResolution;
- unsigned long YResolution;
- };
- struct MI*mi;
- static MGLDC*DC;
- static int activePage = 0;
- static int visualPage = 1;
- static int modeNumber = 0;
- void set_video_mode(unsigned short xres,unsigned short yres,char mode)
- {
- int i,driver = grDETECT,dmode = grDETECT;
- event_t evt;
- /* Start the MGL with only the SVGA 16m driver active */
- MGL_registerDriver(MGL_SVGA16NAME,SVGA16_driver);
- if (!MGL_init(&driver,&dmode,"..\\..\\"))
- MGL_fatalError(MGL_errorMsg(MGL_result()));
- if ((DC = MGL_createDisplayDC(false)) == NULL)
- MGL_fatalError(MGL_errorMsg(MGL_result()));
- MGL_makeCurrentDC(DC);
- }
- /*
- This is problematic as we don`t know what resolution the user program
- wants when we reach here. This is why the 256 colour and HiColour modes
- should be the same resolution, perhaps i`ll make this an environment
- variable
- */
- void check_mi(void)
- {
- if(mi!=0) return;
- if(DC==NULL) {
- // DC = SV_init( TRUE );
- }
- if(modeNumber == 0 ) {
- modeNumber = MGL_HICOLOUR_MODE;
- }
- // SV_getModeInfo(modeNumber,mi);
- return;
- }
- void restore_video_mode(void)
- {
- MGL_exit();
- }
- void vga_clear(void)
- {
- MGL_clearDevice();
- }
- void vga_flip(void)
- {
- activePage = 1-activePage;
- visualPage = 1-activePage;
- // SV_setActivePage(activePage);
- /*
- Change false to true if you`re getting flickering
- even in double buffer mode, ( sets wait for Vertical retrace )
- */
- // SV_setVisualPage(visualPage,false);
- }
- int vga_getcolors(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- switch ( mi->BitsPerPixel ) {
- case 8:
- return 256;
- case 15:
- case 16:
- return 32768;
- default:
- return 64000;
- }
- }
- int vga_getxdim(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- return mi->XResolution;
- }
- int vga_getydim(void)
- {
- check_mi();
- return mi->YResolution;
- }
- unsigned long current_color = 255;
- void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
- {
- DOSMesa->red = r;
- DOSMesa->green = g ;
- DOSMesa->blue = b ;
- current_color = MGL_rgbColor(DC,r,g,b);
- }
- void vga_setcolor(int index)
- {
- DOSMesa->index = index;
- current_color = index;
- }
- void vga_drawpixel(x,y)
- {
- MGL_pixelCoord(x,y);
- }
- /* TODO: */
- int vga_getpixel(x,y)
- {
- /* return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
- fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* End of UNIVBE section */
- #endif
- #ifdef GLIDE
- /* GLIDE support */
- static GrHwConfiguration hwconfig;
- void set_video_mode(unsigned short x,unsigned short y,char mode)
- {
- grGlideInit();
- if( grSstQueryHardware( &hwconfig ) ) {
- grSstSelect( 0 ) ;
- if( !grSstOpen( GLIDE_MODE,
- 2 ) ) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Detected 3DFX board, but couldn`t initialize!");
- exit(1);
- }
- grBufferClear( 0, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST);
- grDisableAllEffects();
- atexit( glideshutdown );
- // guColorCombineFunction( GR_COLORCOMBINE_ITRGB );
- // grTexCombineFunction( GR_TMU0, GR_TEXTURECOMBINE_ZERO);
- }
- }
- void restore_video_mode(void)
- {
- }
- static void glideshutdown( void )
- {
- grGlideShutdown() ;
- }
- void vga_clear(void)
- {
- grBufferSwap(0);
- grBufferClear( 0, 0, GR_WDEPTHVALUE_FARTHEST);
- }
- void vga_flip(void)
- {
- }
- int vga_getcolors(void)
- {
- return 32768;
- }
- int vga_getxdim(void)
- {
- return 800;
- #else
- return 640;
- #endif
- }
- int vga_getydim(void)
- {
- return 600;
- #else
- return 480;
- #endif
- }
- unsigned long current_color = 255;
- void vga_setrgbcolor(int r,int g,int b)
- {
- DOSMesa->red = r;
- DOSMesa->green = g ;
- DOSMesa->blue = b ;
- }
- void vga_setcolor(int index)
- {
- DOSMesa->index = index;
- }
- void vga_drawpixel(x,y)
- {
- gr_vtx.x = x;
- gr_vtx.y = y;
- gr_vtx.z = 0;
- gr_vtx.r = DOSMesa->red;
- gr_vtx.g = DOSMesa->green;
- gr_vtx.b = DOSMesa->blue;
- grDrawPoint( &gr_vtx );
- }
- static void fast_tri(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint v0, GLuint v1, GLuint v2, GLuint pv )
- {
- struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
- GLuint shift = ctx->ColorShift ;
- gr_vtx.z = 0;
- gr_vtx1.z = 0;
- gr_vtx2.z = 0;
- if (VB->MonoColor) {
- gr_vtx.r = DOSMesa->red;
- gr_vtx.g = DOSMesa->green;
- gr_vtx.b = DOSMesa->blue;
- gr_vtx1.r = DOSMesa->red;
- gr_vtx1.g = DOSMesa->green;
- gr_vtx1.b = DOSMesa->blue;
- gr_vtx2.r = DOSMesa->red;
- gr_vtx2.g = DOSMesa->green;
- gr_vtx2.b = DOSMesa->blue;
- } else {
- if(ctx->Light.ShadeModel == GL_SMOOTH ) {
- gr_vtx.r = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][0] );
- gr_vtx.g = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][1] );
- gr_vtx.b = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v0][2] );
- gr_vtx1.r = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][0] );
- gr_vtx1.g = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][1] );
- gr_vtx1.b = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v1][2] );
- gr_vtx2.r = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][0] );
- gr_vtx2.g = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][1] );
- gr_vtx2.b = FixedToInt( VB->Color[v2][2] );
- } else {
- gr_vtx.r = VB->Color[pv][0] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx.g = VB->Color[pv][1] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx.b = VB->Color[pv][2] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx1.r = VB->Color[pv][0] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx1.g = VB->Color[pv][1] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx1.b = VB->Color[pv][2] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx2.r = VB->Color[pv][0] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx2.g = VB->Color[pv][1] >> shift ;
- gr_vtx2.b = VB->Color[pv][2] >> shift ;
- }
- }
- gr_vtx.x = (VB->Win[v0][0] );
- gr_vtx.y = FLIP( (VB->Win[v0][1] ) );
- gr_vtx1.x = (VB->Win[v1][0] );
- gr_vtx1.y = FLIP( (VB->Win[v1][1] ) );
- gr_vtx2.x = (VB->Win[v2][0] );
- gr_vtx2.y = FLIP( (VB->Win[v2][1] ) );
- if(gr_vtx.x <0 || gr_vtx.x > 639 )
- return;
- if(gr_vtx1.x <0 || gr_vtx1.x > 639 )
- return;
- if(gr_vtx2.x <0 || gr_vtx2.x > 639 )
- return;
- if(gr_vtx.y <0 || gr_vtx.y > 479 )
- return;
- if(gr_vtx1.y <0 || gr_vtx1.y > 479 )
- return;
- if(gr_vtx2.y <0 || gr_vtx2.y > 479 )
- return;
- grDrawTriangle( &gr_vtx,&gr_vtx1,&gr_vtx2);
- }
- void fast_plot(GLcontext *ctx,GLuint first,GLuint last )
- {
- struct vertex_buffer *VB = ctx->VB;
- register GLuint i;
- if(VB->MonoColor) {
- /* all same color */
- gr_vtx.r = DOSMesa->red;
- gr_vtx.g = DOSMesa->green;
- gr_vtx.b = DOSMesa->blue;
- for(i=first;i<last;i++) {
- if(VB->Unclipped[i]) {
- gr_vtx.x = VB->Win[i][0];
- gr_vtx.y = FLIP(VB->Win[i][1]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* TODO: */
- int vga_getpixel(x,y)
- {
- /* return (int)SV_getPixel(x,y); */
- fprintf(stderr,"vga_getpixel: Not implemented yet\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* End of GLIDE section */
- #endif // GLIDE
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Miscellaneous functions *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void get_buffer_size( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint *width, GLuint *height )
- {
- *width = DOSMesa->width = vga_getxdim();
- *height = DOSMesa->height = vga_getydim();
- }
- /* Set current color index */
- static void set_index( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index )
- {
- DOSMesa->index = index;
- /*vga_setcolor( index );*/
- }
- /* Set current drawing color */
- static void set_color( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
- GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
- {
- DOSMesa->red = red;
- DOSMesa->green = green;
- DOSMesa->blue = blue;
- vga_setrgbcolor( red, green, blue );
- }
- static void clear_index( GLcontext *ctx, GLuint index )
- {
- /* TODO: Implements glClearIndex() */
- }
- static void clear_color( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLubyte red, GLubyte green,
- GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha )
- {
- /* TODO: Implements glClearColor() */
- }
- static void clear( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLboolean all,
- GLint x, GLint y, GLint width, GLint height )
- {
- vga_clear();
- }
- static GLboolean set_buffer( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLenum mode )
- {
- /* TODO: implement double buffering and use this function to select */
- /* between front and back buffers. */
- return GL_TRUE;
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Write spans of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void write_index_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLuint index[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- y = FLIP(y);
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x,y,current_color);
- #else
- vga_setcolor( index[i] );
- vga_drawpixel( x, y );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_monoindex_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- y = FLIP(y);
- /* use current color index */
- vga_setcolor( DOSMesa->index );
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0;i<n;i++,x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x,y,current_color);
- #else
- vga_drawpixel( x, y );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_color_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLubyte red[], const GLubyte green[],
- const GLubyte blue[], const GLubyte alpha[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- y=FLIP(y);
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- if (mask) {
- /* draw some pixels */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x,y,SV_rgbColor(red[i], green[i], blue[i]) );
- #else
- vga_setrgbcolor( red[i], green[i], blue[i] );
- vga_drawpixel( x, y );
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /* draw all pixels */
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x,y,SV_rgbColor(red[i], green[i], blue[i]) );
- #else
- vga_setrgbcolor( red[i], green[i], blue[i] );
- vga_drawpixel( x, y );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_monocolor_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- const GLubyte mask[])
- {
- int i;
- y=FLIP(y);
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- /* use current rgb color */
- vga_setrgbcolor( DOSMesa->red, DOSMesa->green, DOSMesa->blue );
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x,y,current_color);
- #else
- vga_drawpixel( x, y );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Read spans of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void read_index_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y, GLuint index[])
- {
- int i;
- y = FLIP(y);
- for (i=0; i<n; i++,x++) {
- index[i] = vga_getpixel( x, y );
- }
- }
- static void read_color_span( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, GLint x, GLint y,
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[] )
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++, x++) {
- /* TODO */
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Write arrays of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- static void write_index_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), index[i] );
- #else
- vga_setcolor( index[i] );
- vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_monoindex_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- /* use current color index */
- vga_setcolor( DOSMesa->index );
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), DOSMesa->index);
- #else
- vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_color_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte r[], const GLubyte g[],
- const GLubyte b[], const GLubyte a[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), SV_rgbColor(r[i], g[i], b[i]) );
- #else
- vga_setrgbcolor( r[i], g[i], b[i] );
- vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- static void write_monocolor_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n,
- const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- /* use current rgb color */
- vga_setrgbcolor( DOSMesa->red, DOSMesa->green, DOSMesa->blue );
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_beginPixel();
- #endif
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- if (mask[i]) {
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_putPixelFast(x[i], FLIP(y[i]), current_color );
- #else
- vga_drawpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
- #endif
- }
- }
- #ifdef UNIVBE
- SV_endPixel();
- #endif
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /***** Read arrays of pixels *****/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* Read an array of color index pixels. */
- static void read_index_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- GLuint index[], const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
- index[i] = vga_getpixel( x[i], FLIP(y[i]) );
- }
- }
- static void read_color_pixels( GLcontext *ctx,
- GLuint n, const GLint x[], const GLint y[],
- GLubyte red[], GLubyte green[],
- GLubyte blue[], GLubyte alpha[],
- const GLubyte mask[] )
- {
- /* TODO */
- }
- static void DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers( GLcontext *ctx )
- {
- /* Initialize all the pointers in the DD struct. Do this whenever */
- /* a new context is made current or we change buffers via set_buffer! */
- ctx->Driver.UpdateState = DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers;
- ctx->Driver.ClearIndex = clear_index;
- ctx->Driver.ClearColor = clear_color;
- ctx->Driver.Clear = clear;
- ctx->Driver.Index = set_index;
- ctx->Driver.Color = set_color;
- ctx->Driver.SetBuffer = set_buffer;
- ctx->Driver.GetBufferSize = get_buffer_size;
- ctx->Driver.PointsFunc = choose_points_function();
- ctx->Driver.LineFunc = choose_line_function();
- ctx->Driver.TriangleFunc = choose_triangle_function();
- /* Pixel/span writing functions: */
- /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
- ctx->Driver.WriteColorSpan = write_color_span;
- ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorSpan = write_monocolor_span;
- ctx->Driver.WriteColorPixels = write_color_pixels;
- ctx->Driver.WriteMonocolorPixels = write_monocolor_pixels;
- ctx->Driver.WriteIndexSpan = write_index_span;
- ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexSpan = write_monoindex_span;
- ctx->Driver.WriteIndexPixels = write_index_pixels;
- ctx->Driver.WriteMonoindexPixels = write_monoindex_pixels;
- /* Pixel/span reading functions: */
- /* TODO: use different funcs for 8, 16, 32-bit depths */
- ctx->Driver.ReadIndexSpan = read_index_span;
- ctx->Driver.ReadColorSpan = read_color_span;
- ctx->Driver.ReadIndexPixels = read_index_pixels;
- ctx->Driver.ReadColorPixels = read_color_pixels;
- }
- /*
- * Create a new VGA/Mesa context and return a handle to it.
- */
- DOSMesaContext DOSMesaCreateContext( void )
- {
- DOSMesaContext ctx;
- GLboolean rgb_flag;
- GLfloat redscale, greenscale, bluescale, alphascale;
- GLboolean db_flag = GL_FALSE;
- GLboolean alpha_flag = GL_FALSE;
- int colors;
- GLint index_bits;
- #if !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(GLIDE) && !defined(MGL)
- video_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc( vga_getxdim() * vga_getydim() );
- memset(video_buffer,0, vga_getxdim() * vga_getydim() );
- memset(rgbtable,0,sizeof( rgbtable ) );
- #endif
- #if defined( DJGPP ) && !defined(UNIVBE) && !defined(GLIDE)
- dos_seg = _go32_conventional_mem_selector();
- #endif
- /* determine if we're in RGB or color index mode */
- colors = vga_getcolors();
- if (colors==32768) {
- rgb_flag = GL_TRUE;
- redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 255.0;
- index_bits = 0;
- }
- else if (colors==256) {
- rgb_flag = GL_FALSE;
- redscale = greenscale = bluescale = alphascale = 0.0;
- index_bits = 8;
- }
- else {
- restore_video_mode();
- fprintf(stderr,"[%d] >16 bit color not implemented yet!\n",colors);
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx = (DOSMesaContext) calloc( 1, sizeof(struct DOSmesa_context) );
- if (!ctx) {
- return NULL;
- }
- ctx->gl_vis = gl_create_visual( rgb_flag,
- alpha_flag,
- db_flag,
- 16, /* depth_size */
- 8, /* stencil_size */
- 16, /* accum_size */
- index_bits,
- redscale,
- greenscale,
- bluescale,
- alphascale );
- ctx->gl_ctx = gl_create_context( ctx->gl_vis,
- NULL, /* share list context */
- (void *) ctx
- );
- ctx->gl_buffer = gl_create_framebuffer( ctx->gl_vis );
- ctx->index = 1;
- ctx->red = ctx->green = ctx->blue = 255;
- ctx->width = ctx->height = 0; /* temporary until first "make-current" */
- return ctx;
- }
- /*
- * Destroy the given VGA/Mesa context.
- */
- void DOSMesaDestroyContext( DOSMesaContext ctx )
- {
- if (ctx) {
- gl_destroy_visual( ctx->gl_vis );
- gl_destroy_context( ctx->gl_ctx );
- gl_destroy_framebuffer( ctx->gl_buffer );
- free( ctx );
- if (ctx==DOSMesa) {
- DOSMesa = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Make the specified VGA/Mesa context the current one.
- */
- void DOSMesaMakeCurrent( DOSMesaContext ctx )
- {
- DOSMesa = ctx;
- gl_make_current( ctx->gl_ctx, ctx->gl_buffer );
- DOSmesa_setup_DD_pointers( ctx->gl_ctx );
- if (ctx->width==0 || ctx->height==0) {
- /* setup initial viewport */
- ctx->width = vga_getxdim();
- ctx->height = vga_getydim();
- gl_Viewport( ctx->gl_ctx, 0, 0, ctx->width, ctx->height );
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return a handle to the current VGA/Mesa context.
- */
- DOSMesaContext DOSMesaGetCurrentContext( void )
- {
- return DOSMesa;
- }
- /*
- * Swap front/back buffers for current context if double buffered.
- */
- void DOSMesaSwapBuffers( void )
- {
- #if !defined(UNIVBE)
- /* Assume double buffering is available if in UNIVBE,
- if it isn`t its taken care of anyway */
- // if (DOSMesa->gl_vis->DBflag)
- #endif
- {
- vga_flip();
- }
- }
- #else
- /*
- * Need this to provide at least one external definition when DOS is
- * not defined on the compiler command line.
- */
- int gl_DOS_dummy_function(void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- #endif /*DOS*/